advertising C1A
Advertising & Marketing
lo:to explore the aims and conventions of print advertising
-anti littering -result of what will happen
commercial-to make money by promoting consumer goods or service
-generally focuses on persuading audiences to purchase goods
-aims to communicate a message about a brand
-if an established brands aims to reinforce existing brand image to reinforce brand loyalty
-creates a sense of need or desire and a sense of aspiration
non commercial-includes public information drives
-some simple aim to inform about an issue ,many also aim to persuade the audience to donate money or time to charity
-often uses shock tactics or direct appeals
lo:to explore the codes and conventions of print advertising
advertising and marketing
codes and conventions-the expected elements that will be included in products from particular media forms and genres
-communicates it using emotive language and using pancake day as leverage
-communicates this by showing four houses with people in that are doing hobbies
-uses short and affective text to get point across
capital letters
print advertising expectations
-brands logo
-brands name
-specific details of USP/product or service
1]-imperitives, repetition, triplets
-make references to other media products ,perhaps from other media forms or genres, that audiences can identify
-helps communicate a message quickly and memorably
lo:to explore historical adverts and their codes and conventions
historical advertisements
lo:to explore the context and content of the historical set text
historical advert set text
do now;
different gender roles described in the information
stereotypes different gender lifestyles
-icons of quality street were two characters from the regency era. Britain went through a period of elegance in regard to fine art and architecture
-regency era had a significant social and cultural development
-conservative partys slogan was set the people free
-everything was made more affordable
connotations that chocolates are luxury
different typography
18 different flavours-dilemma
image suggests sweets are the main focus in any scenario
alliteration-delightfully different
halo effect of gold frame
lo;to explore the context and representations in the historical set text
historical advert set text
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-they are wealthy
-there product is good quality
3-the wman is taking care of the children
5-she exists only to service the man
gender roles in the 50s were that men had more power in societythan wonan and woman were seen as servants or objects for men.
man is in the centre-suggests he is the most important person in the room
both women are dressed as sweets-suggests there are objects and there for men to look at
do now
male gender is dominant in the quality street advert
centre of the advert,women competing over him, holding sweets
historical advert set text
lo;to explore the possible exam style questions for advertising
in the quality street advert ,men are represented as dominant.this can be seen because the man in the advert is right in the centre in between two woman,which shows that he is seen as the most important person there.he is also holing the box of sweets,which highlights even more that he is the centre of attention and the people around him are just accessories. The advert also represents the stereotypical society in the 50's and how dominant men were over women.
The women in the quality street advert are represented as objects.we can see this because they are both dressed as sweets for the quality street box,which could also suggest that they are only there for the company of the man .they are also both kissing the man on the cheek,which shows that they are competing over him,suggesting again that they are only there to accompany the man.
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connotation-what message something sends to a viewer
denotation-what something is
lo;to build the skills needed to analyse and evaluate adverts
analysing adverts
advert 1
the guards connote how safe the service is
advert 2
advert 3
connotes that. the car is good quality
denotes big green hand
positive-inquisitive interested curious disabled handicapped
negative-crippled retarded
weasel phrase-tomato soup may boost metabolism
gender stereotypes
lo;to understand the techniques used in contemporary adverts
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-brand identity is unserious and light hearted
-gender has been represented differently through fact that the mens car is based on sports and the womens is more unserious and unamed
-intertextuality-designed to look like fashion advert
-suggested they have something for everyone
-media language has been used - Z layout -car main focus
lo;to use our understanding of advert conventions to create advertisements
creating advertisements
lo;to evaluate how women are represented in a variety of adverts,so that we can apply this to the set text for the exam
women in advertising
boys prefer sports more than girls
girls feel less confident in themselves in generally
this girl can
-funded by national lottery
-non commercial
-before advert there was a big gender gap in participating in sport
portrays women as being strong and constantly finding ways to bend around the stereotypes and never giving up.
1-camera focused on her muscle
-athletic ,confident aready trained
2-all slim strong and sporty
the differences between the nike and addidas adverts are that the women in the nike adverts are already fit and athletic and the nike adverts are also commercial.the addidas adverts feature women that arre just starting in fitness and are non commercial.
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the video targets a wider range of women because it shows a variety of women because its a video
advertising set text 2
lo;to analyse the construction of the this girl can set text
sweat-hard work ,dirty and greasy
pig-dirty ,unelegant
fox-confident ,smart, powerful

-centered mid-shot-show that shes not a super fit athlete and instead is just a normal everyday person
-not a female celebrity to show that anyone can do sports
-hair scraped back in a scruffy ponytail to show that women don't always look put together
-sweaty/no makeup-dont always look put together
-eyes closed with a slight smile-shows that she is enjoying what she is doing
-the shots in both adverts feature the people in the centre
-women are represented differently
lo; to explore the representations in the set text and apply relevant theory
representation and theory
dominant ideology-the attitudes,beliefs,values,and morals shared by the majority of the people in a given society
do now
enpowering confident independent
lo;to practise how to answer exam style questions effectively
c1 section A PPE
question 1 : this girl can - explore how the print ad for this girl can uses media language to create meanings [a] text\written language
The print ad for this girl can uses media language to create meaning is with the main text 'Sweating like a pig, feeling like a fox'. Pig has connotations of grease, ugliness and sweat , whilst fox has connotations of beauty, perfection and prettiness. These two words may have been placed next to each other to compare the two sides that a woman can be - indepentent and not caring what she looks like, and dressing up and wanting to look good.This implies that the this girl can advert encourages being confident in yourself and not focusing purely on how you look.
Another way the print ad for this girl can uses media language to create meaning is with the hashtag '#this girl can'.This implies that the advert is promoting women to feel confident in whatever they do and believe that they can do anything they put their mind to.Also using the word 'this' shows that you should only focus on yourself and not others around you.By using the hashtag it also creates a sense of community and allows people to find more information.
[b] visual codes
The print ad for this girl can uses visual codes to create meaning by using her facial expressions to show that she is enjoying what she is doing.In the main image, the woman is smiling with her eyes closed.Her smile is not made to look like an elegant smile, instead it is a real smile that looks like it has been photographed mid excersise. This shows that she is genuinly happy in what she is doing and is not doing it for anyone else.Her eyes are also closed, which implies that she is focused and happy in herself.By using these two different facial expressions ,we are given the impression that this girl can promotes womens wellbeing and happiness.
Another way that the this girl can print advert uses visual codes to create meaning is through what the woman in the main image is wearing.She is wearing a blue tank top and patterns leggings-which don't necessarily match.This gives the impression that she has just put on a random outfit without thinking about it, which could mean that she is in her safe space where she does not feel judged and enjoys herself.This shows that the overall message of This girl can is that women should be able to have a safe place to excersise and have a break from everyday life.Overall,the visual codes in this advert show the reality of excersise and create a safe space for women.
PPE Q1a: 3/5
WWW: Your first point
EBI - your second needs more explanation. Think about WHY they would include a hashtag - what its for etc.
PPE Q1b:7/10
WWW: good focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: add in another fully explained point and make sure you link all the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
WWW: Your first point
EBI - your second needs more explanation. Think about WHY they would include a hashtag - what its for etc.
PPE Q1b:7/10
WWW: good focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: add in another fully explained point and make sure you link all the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
c1 section a ppe
lo; to revise how to answer exam style questions effectively
del-describe, explain, link
ReplyDeleteGood notes
Some good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation but there seem to be a lot missing
Not done :-(
Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation.
PPE Q1a: 3/5
WWW: Your first point
EBI - your second needs more explanation. Think about WHY they would include a hashtag - what its for etc.
PPE Q1b:7/10
WWW: good focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: add in another fully explained point and make sure you link all the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign