TV Drama
lo:to explore the content and format of the unit
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1-2 exams
2-1hr 30mins
3-type of a media form has a certain set of characteristics
4-farmers, older middle class white British women
5-inform educate and entertain
section A:
-q1 media language or representations
-q2 media industries or audiences or context
crime drama
genre-type of media that has a certain set of characteristics
sub genre- where a larger genre is dived into smaller sub genres , each with their own set of conventions
hybrid drama- media texts that incorporate elements of more than one genre and are therefore more difficult to classify
the responder, happy valley, line of duty
setting. similarities : all build suspense in the into
-home in a city dim lighting, starts with trying to stop a crime, aerial view, shown
from police perspective
codes and conventions:
-often centred around police solving a crime
-exposure of the criminal
- complicated following of the clues
- usually set in rural communities because crime rate is higher
-main character-intelligence and flawed in some way
-a lot of suspects with reason and motive
-villain is also intelligent and often one step ahead
-character types-villain hero sidekick
-representations of characters are challenging
-handheld camera work
tension, enigmas
the use of the conventions such as character representations being challenging or set in rural communities creates a sense of realness to the audience and makes them feel as if they are there in the scene. Over time this build up of events and sense of realness can create a lot of tension and suspense , therefore keeping the audience interested in the series
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