Radio C1
do now-
1-1h 30m
2-audience and industry
4-a mark a minute
public service broadcaster-broadcasting intended for public benefit rather than commercial, independent from government
commercial radio-make money by selling advertising
community radio-operated owned and influenced by the community they serve
podcast-series of spoken word audios episodes focused on a specific topic
DAB radio-a receiver for digital channels
RAJAR-Radio joint audience research
license fee-a fixed predetermined amount
royal charter-an instrument of incorporation
remit-area of activity there expected to deal with
convergence- advanced technology allows to stream from anywhere
uk-public service, community and commercial
1-BBC radio 1-aimed at younger audiences of 15-29 year olds
BBC radio 2-broad audience aiming to appeal to audiences over 35
BBC radio 3-older audience of 35-54year olds
BBC radio 4-
BBC radio 5-
2-provide impartial news and information to help people engage in the world around them.
do now
3-a range of
DAB radio-streaming live, catch up podcast ,
podcasts-regularly produced by radio broadcasters
50 million radio listeners in UK
BBC radio - free decline in 2023
uses and gratifications:
the archers
longest running radio soap opera
contemporary drama in a rural setting
made to share methods on ways to grow food
can listen to it on the go anywhere because it is on phones and multiple devices . it is also available at different times in the day to adapt to peoples schedule.
do now
2-bbc 4
3-storyline, drama
4-2pm 7pm
5- inform educate and entertain
the archers
Good notes but if you make your notes full sentences, your revision will be so much easier!